The fusion of people and resources for the birth of groundbreaking AI products.

Become your project’s CEO

Invest in Future`s tech

The fusion of people and resources for the birth of groundbreaking AI products.

Become your project’s CEO

Invest in Future`s tech

The synergy of unique experiences from different fields for building and supporting start-ups in the AI field.

The synergy of unique experiences from different fields for building and supporting start-ups in the AI field.

CEO, Founder

1. CEO of Ridddle, Meet Arnold, GooGooTunes, iterra. 

2. Has developed and promoted brands for over 7 years.

3. 5 billion views have been accumulated on video content, attracting an audience of 20 million subscribers.


10 years of commercial experience in GameDev.
Dev in WGame

Geekbrains tutor
Participated: Evolution 2, with 20+ million downloads
PigBang, Best Mobile Game 2016 on VK.COM, with 3+ million downloads.


1. Founder, “Noosphere”, educational low-code platform

2. Built web-solutions for more than 300 businesses

3. Co-Founder, “Chatknows”

A full-cycle media company specializing in implementing all the new AI technologies in video content production

Kids AI gen

Generative AI for creating franchises for children
1. Rapid creation

2. Mass content production

Boost business efficiency with an AI chatbot trained on your data.

  • Increase sales, reduce costs. 

  • Optimize processes.

  • Improve communications

  • Integrate with anything on web


AI Operations Director

 Next-generation browser with an intelligent digital avatar for excellent life planning and optimization. 

BIOTECH (in development)

AI predicting physical and mental health indicators for tomorrow, months, and years based on your actions. Sees your personalized future

Why Invest with ITERRA?

Why Invest with ITERRA?

Why Invest with ITERRA?

Fast-Growing Market

AI market expected to hit US$ 1,591.03 billion by 2030 with a 38.1% CAGR.

Increased Demand

From healthcare to finance, growing demand for AI technologies is escalating.

New Approaches

Enabling start-ups in process automation, efficiency optimization, and R&D.

Higher Productivity, less costs

Intelligent algorithms to automate tasks and optimize each process to fit AI era


Ready to join the AI revolution? Embrace the synergy that drives success!

Ready to join the AI revolution? Embrace the synergy that drives success!

Ready to join the AI revolution? Embrace the synergy that drives success!

Invest Now

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+44 7355 730629

International House, 101 King's Cross Road, London, England, WC1X 9LP

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